“I will make the heavens REMEMBER THIS DAY!”
-Anhai Wu, Shorty before losing yet another duel.
Wu Anhai is a fifteen-year-old orphan living in central Shao Tai, Shilon with his little sister Meiling. Anhai's parents, Jiahao and Fangrui Wu used to be fireworks experts for lunar parade events and even had their own shop in the Shao Tai capital. However, when an arson attack was committed on a higher mandate using the same black powder materials used by the Wu family, the blame rested upon Jiahao and Fangrui and they were wrongfully executed. Anhai later investigated that it was his sister Meiling who committed the act and their parents took the blame to spare their daughter from her plight. Anhai's overwhelming grief eventually turned to hatred for his little sister, so he deserts her.
Alone and lost in rage, Anhai wandered north and eventually found himself in a Yu Wushi monastery where he asked to shelter himself for the time being, which the monks gladly accepted. In the morning a great rainstorm fell upon the monastery, the sound of raindrops crashing the roof shingles drowned out any speech. From inside Anhai observed the monks who had chosen to practice meditation outside despite the heavy storm. Intrigued by their serenity Anhai sought counseling from the jade monks and they took him in as their student, for they saw great turmoil, regret, and sorrow in him.
Over two months Anhai had learned the ways of not only the jade mages and their abilities, but the power of inner enlightenment. He strived to eliminate his inner grief for his parents and his hatred for his sister but instead learned to tame it and weave it into something new. Peaking into the universe, he saw that Meiling continues to commit heinous acts with her parent's talents. But he sought not to stop her but to save her and potentially provide her the guidance he failed to see through when their parents died.

Shaotai Shilon
3115 RH
Meiling (sister)
Jiahao (deceased father)
Fangrui (deceased mother)
Jade Magic
Martial Arts
Legal guardian
Lawfully Good
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Anhai was based on my little brother for a Christmas present, and his ability to use the combination of magic and kung fu was inspired by my little brother's love for Harry Potter and his rank of black belt in karate.
Anhai used to be named Kai.
Anhai resembles a young Shaolin monk.
His personality and relationship with his little sister Meiling are based on the characters Dipper and Mable Pines from the TV series Gravity Falls.
Anhai and Meiling are (so far) the only characters in Shilon who aren't godlike entities.
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