The Twelve Zodiacs of Shilon
The Zodiacs of Shilon are demigod-like beings that are reincarnated from the first twelve mortals born from creator deities Otamu and Umato. The twelve in question were the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Wolf, and Boar. Animal in spirit, the reincarnates take the form of humans as they were sent by God Emperor Shen Hai to pacify, rule, and protect the people of his chosen kingdom. Each zodiac possesses godlike strength, speed, and intelligence, and can live for eons without food or water. Once killed, their physical forms lie dead with their memories erased, but their souls are eternal and will be reborn after a thousand years or longer sleep.
A zodiac is born at a mythical waterfall located within a guarded sanctum, a newborn lies in a carriage floating from the fall's mist, holding a special relic dedicated to their godhood and birthright. These relics are shrunken inside the owner's ear at birth and can be called out by the owner to reveal their destined weapon. Lao's relic; The Ox's Shield, is an impenetrable defense weapon that can protect armies. Ren's relic; The Dragon's Claymore, is a massive blade that can call the mandated power of heaven. Each relic's state personifies the zodiac's physical, emotional, and spiritual like hoods and can dull and wither if any of these three are weakened.
These zodiacs are each individually worshiped, and hold the right of emperor/empress upon birth. If multiple zodiacs are born at the same time, like Lao Ren and Fu Bai, their skills are to be tested and judged before being announced as Shilon's ruler. If they're no zodiacs, then a high noble under the right authority will be pronounced.
Ming, Demigodess of the Rabbit rescuing a nomad from Itami assassins.

A Statue Commemorating Mao Rang.
The Throne of the Twelve Sons and Daughters, depicting all 12 of the Zodiacs including the current ruler; Lao.

A statue of Shenhai, the sworn father of all twelve zodiacs.