Official Timeline

-Gudu’s mule dies. He sits and creates the world from her body and the elements he carries.
-Otamu and Umato are born and bring life to the 12 Zodiacs.
-The 12 Zodiacs interbreed and create all the living species of Kudao including humans.
-Shen Hai creates the celestial court.
-Losing direction, Shen Hai called upon four celestial spirits to aid him in representing the four cardinal directions.
-Taramamu is cursed with immortality.
-Death is introduced by the Demon of Three Fires, so Umato is punished for eternity to shepherd the souls.
-The Three Sages are banished from the court.
-The Jademage ideology begins practice.
-The Three Sages and their community fall into eternal hibernation.
Dawn of Creation (Millions of Years ago)
The era of development and before the reign of mankind. The Dawn of Creation tells the story of the three realms, Kudao, Kindao, and Yun Gong, Supreme emperor Shen Hai and the Celestial Court, and the birth of mortality with the primordial mother and father Umato and Otamu. These tales remain today due to the immortals who aged among them and their burden to tell them.
-The first settlers appear on Mt. Tuskunovna (Mt Monkhu)
​-Mao Rang is born.
-Genbu, the guardian of the north is attacked and loses his godhood, but finds strength in Endurance, the second tao.
-The settlers of Mt. Tuskunovna evolved into the Huyve.
Lost History (LH)
What may look like the shortest era in history remains a mystery due to humanity's everlasting desire for conquest and erasing the history of their enemies. A cycle that was finally brought to an end by the Shilon empress Jing Lee. No act in history shall remain forgotten. Despite the lost records, living relics of the current time confirm the theorized events below of the Lost History era.

-The Recorded History era starts. (000 RH)
-The settlers of Mount Tuskunovna split into twelve tribes (180 RH)
-Hushin is betrayed and banished (450 RH)
-The islanders of the Broken Shards of Haisong begin to lose faith in Shilon law and the Celestial Court amidst trapped in the typhoon that surrounds the far oceans of the islands and begins reinventing their culture. (458 RH)
-Batukhan invades Tekkan (1151 RH)
-A Tekkanese samurai is confronted by a celestial being, teaching him the art of precision, establishing the Seigun Samurai (1154 RH)
​-The Seigun Samurai overthrow Batukhan (1155 RH)
-Ren, Lao, and Fubai Shen are born. (2588 RH)
-Arku Khan is born in the middle of the Tuskunovna Civil War (2826 RH)
-Arku Khan conquers the entire mountain and renames it the Monkhu Empire (2842 RH)
-Monkhu invades Northern Midora, Haisong, Quliang, and the western Gaowong provinces (2848 RH)
-Azure Oil is discovered in Tekkan (2927 RH)
-Clan Tatsu rises to power and is promoted from a lesser clan (2947 RH)
-Industrial Era begins in Tekkan despite the Seigun’s wishes. (2980 RH)
​-Bulijaar Khan is born (3046 RH)
-Kuroda Tatsu is born (3055 RH)
-Najimu Clan transitions into a crime-based family (3060 RH)
-Sakamoto Hisaki is born (3078 RH)
-Toshinobu Coda is born (3082 RH)
-Rou Shan attacks the temple of Suzaku in Surochi. Malong is killed while trying to subdue Rou Shan (3100 RH)
-Rou Shan drives his spine down the Surochi village of Yamamura to carve a hole to Kindao (3100 RH)
-The Shilon Army corners the demons in Yamamura, a village in southeastern Surochi. (3100 RH)
-Rysuke’s samurai clan is disbanded causing him to become a ronin (3100 RH)
-Toshinobu Coda is banished from the Shilon Empire and establishes the Itami (3105 RH)​
-Arku Khan and his horde hunt down the loose pieces of Rou Shan. (3111 RH)
-The Seigun Samurai are forced to step down for their failure in Yamamura. (3112 RH)
-Nioh is born (3112 RH)
-Waradashi begins construction (3117 RH)
-Haruma: Broken Habits (3017 RH)
-Angylyn burns down her father’s estate (3124 RH)
-Sakamoto’s dojo in the Haisong Kingdom is attacked (3124 RH)
-Angylyn hires Ryusuke and other ronin to defend the village of Yokomura from Lord Uchiyori. (3124 RH)
-Angylyn, Hiro, Kasamatsu, Nioh, and Haradashi become the Smoking Serpents (3124 RH)
-Graveyard Shift at the Crying Carp (3130 RH, Present day)
-Hushin Shen is born (166 RH)
-Jing Lee steps down from the throne, making Hushin the emperor. (150 RH)
Seiryu throws a fit of rage, turning the peninsula in eastern Haisong into the Broken Shards of Haisong.
(403 RH)
-Malong Shen is born, becoming emperor of Shilon (450 RH)
-The Broken Shards of Haisong becomes its own independent country, renaming their country to Tekkan. (589 RH)
-After centuries the typhoon that trapped Tekkan from the main world finally settles. Forcing them to fight for their independence from the Shilon Kingdoms. (1150 RH)
-Mao Rang eliminates an invading battalion armed with hostages, marking the end of all dreams of invading the walls of Shilon. (1584 RH)
-Malong seeks a successor to replace him as emperor (2500 RH)
-Malong steps down from the Shilon throne, leaving Ren for replacement (2613 RH)
-Commander Zhao Tu dies at the hands of Arku Khan and becomes a cultural memorial (2845 RH).
-Monkhu successfully invades the southern provinces (2847 RH)
-Dragon Emperor Ren and his army subdue the Monkhu horde, leaving Arku critically injured. (2849 RH)
-The Red Crow Ministry establish as Rouge Seigun in Tekkan (3010 RH)
-Gakugyo is born as a koicodile (3028 RH)
-Yo Yong Ho is born (3066 RH)
-Oda Yokosubi is born (3075 RH)
-Murosawa Uchiyori is born (3079 RH)
-Murosawa Bakuma is born (3083 RH)
-Ryusuke is born (3085 RH)
-Hiroyasu Harmua is born (3090 RH)
-Nakadai is born (3093 RH)
-Harunobu Obaku is born (3098 RH)
-Shioh Angylyn is born during Yamamura (3100 RH)
-All factions are forced to defend their land from the hordes of yokai. (3100 RH)
-Admiral Snake Fu Bai sacrifices himself to Kindao, ending Yamamura (3100 RH)
-Han Yu is born (3102 RH)
-Shilon enters a civil war against Ren, causing him to be dethroned (3103 RH)
-Lao Shen becomes Empress (3103 RH)
-Ming is born then abducted (3110 RH)
-Kasamatsu is born (3111 RH)
-Shaojin mysteriously crumbles within (3112 RH)
-Wu Anhai is born in Shilon (3115 RH)
-Haruma betrays the Kage (3114 RH)
-Angylyn and Iwata become Tatsu Samurai (3116 RH)
-Wu Meiling is born in Shilon (3118 RH)
-Seigun ronin ambush the Tekkanese empire in the shores of Azuhanto, leading to the end of Seigun law. (3124 RH)
-Waradashi construction postponed and eventually sabotaged. (3125 RH)
-Lord Uchiyori dies at the hands of Angylyn, Hiro, Kasamatsu, Nioh, and Haradashi (3124 RH)
-Yo Yong Ho returns to the Haisong Kingdom (3124 RH)
-Anhai and Meiling’s parents are executed. (3128 RH)
-Anhai becomes a jademage student to seek enlightenment and peace from his parent’s unjust death (3128 RH)
Recorded History (RH) (3,100 years ago - Present day)
The period most relevant to the current day, for it is built upon the stories recovered from a vengeful era and is concluded by what is yet to come.