By stream, were severed
A world dark, dreary, and cold
Let us walk once more
Dark Side of the Moon
Kindao is a dark reflection of Kudao’s purity, a realm deep under the mantle from which horrors such as yokai and other supernatural threats emerge. It is also the realm that unleashed Yamamura among the innocent. It is said that you can find hidden sanctuaries that can only be found once and require a complicated task or ritual to open a gateway to this oblivion. No mortal has ever crossed these divine gateways, but those who have gotten close enough are infected with a lifetime crucible of pain. Who knows what other torments it could inflict further into the abyss?

Form of Goverment
Realm of the Dead
Military Captain
Rou Shan
Population (Post Yamamura)
Based on:
Yomi (Japanese mythology)
Kindao was fabricated into existence among the coals the creator deity Gudu used to boil the elements into one. After he faded away the coals kept burning and almost torched the surface. It wasn't until Jade deity Shenhai got his great axe and split the world in two, severing the fires from the mortal world clean. It has since been referred to by the mortals as the realm of the dead. Even with its separation, the Kindao realm has found ways to release manifestations of itself, such as yokai and yaoguai; demonic beings that have found their way to the mortal realm.
In 3100 RH, a giant yaoguai named Rou Shan plunged a hole into the earth in Yamamura, Surochi, creating a bridge between Kindao and Kudao, also known as Grey-Under Cave. The army of Kindao climbed up and seized havoc on the living until they were eventually subdued by the Deities of Shilon and allied factions in a great battle that killed millions.

A rare encounter with a Kindao Sanctuary, specific rituals can be performed to open the portal to oblivion, but only once.